Dog Grooming
As Pet Healthcare Providers, we believe it is upmost important to stay on top of continuing our education to bring you the best pet salon possible. It is mandatory that all employees obtain a certification in Pet 1st Aid & CPR and continue their education on a yearly basis.
Does your dog have chronic ear infections or skin allergies? Several of us hold certifications in the Canine Esthetician Program. We would be happy to coach you and your pet into a better state of wellness!
As a part of our company safety standards, we do not encourage the use of any type of flexi-leash in our grooming salon. They are proven to be very unsafe to both pet’s and human’s.
When booking your dog grooming appointment at The UpScale Tail, Ltd. following this simple guide will help you understand how we schedule your dog’s appointment. Prices for dog grooming do vary based on breed, technique, behavior, size, condition and length of coat so please call for individual pricing.
This service includes our typical BBT and the cutting of hair everywhere – Body, legs, feet, head, etc.
*A typical BBT includes: Bath, Brush, Comb, Prep Work (shaving privates, pads and clipping nails) and trimming by eyes.
*Any additional trimming without a “full” haircut on the body will be subject to additional charges depending on amount of hair to be trimmed.
We have used a Golden Retriever as an example of how to schedule. All of the following pet styling services will include a bath, blow dry, brush and comb out:
BBT (Bath, Brush, Trim)
If you have a Golden Retriever and you just want a natural appearance with no trimming except the feet and the ears (unless owner specifies differently), this is the pet grooming service that you should ask for.
BBT (Bath, Brush, Trim Dog to Neaten)
If you have a Golden Retriever and you just want the feathering lightly trimmed for a more natural appearance, including trimming the ears and tops of the feet, unless owner specifies differently, this is the pet grooming service that you should ask for.
BBT (Trim Dog to Breed Standard)
If you have a Golden Retriever with excessive feathering and you want it trimmed to look like it is supposed to, this is the pet grooming service that you should ask for. If your dog is being shown in conformation or you want a show grooming done on your pet, you need to specify show grooming; there is a price difference.
BBT (For Non-Shedding Dog Breeds)
Using a Shih Tzu as an example, you would get: bath, blow dry, brush, comb, shave pads, shave privates, pluck and clean ears, trim by eyes, clip nails and trim around feet.
For a Poodle, you would get: bath, blow dry, brush, comb, shave pads, shave privates, pluck and clean ears, shave feet, face and tail set (upon request).
To get your puppy started off on the right paw, they need to start their grooming practice after their 1st set of shots. (around 9 weeks old). Waiting is not recommended because they need to get used to the noises, smells and feelings of grooming. Our “Puppy Practice” consists of a good bath; blow dry; brush and comb out; nail and foot trim; sanitary trim; ear cleaning and face trim if applicable.
- Hand Stripping: bath, dry, nails, ear plucking/cleaning, clipping of sanitary and other areas based on the breed standard guidelines, owner request and pet tolerance.
- Rustic Coat Maintenance: bath, dry, nails, ear plucking/cleaning, clipping of sanitary and other areas based on the breed standard guidelines, owner request and pet tolerance. Appointment times take longer since drying these coats calls for air drying with fans to not disrupt the integrity of the coat. This might call for several appointments to accomplish the desired look.
- Cording: bath, dry, nails, ear plucking/cleaning, banding and/or splitting cords, clipping of sanitary and other areas based on the breed standard guidelines, owner request and pet tolerance. Appointment times take longer since drying these coats calls for air drying with fans to nit disrupt the integrity of the cords. Splitting cord appointments might call for several appointments to accomplish the desired look.
- Confirmation Show Grooming: bath, dry, nails, ear plucking/cleaning and clipping of sanitary and other areas based on the breed standard guidelines, owner request and pet tolerance.
- Temporary solid color or glitter pet tattoos
- Airbrushing
- Coloring available upon request and the color needs to be specified upon scheduling your pet’s appointment to ensure we have the color in stock. Please note that additional time will be needed for your pet’s appointment.
- “Bling” (feathers, glitter and/or gems)
- Nail Polish
- Nail Gems
Our “Mini Services” are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm. You will have to schedule an appointment for these services. Our “Mini Services” are, Nail Trims; Nail Filing; PawPad Trimming; Ear Cleaning; Toothbrushing and Anal Gland Expressions.
- Nail Clipping— Did you know that your dog should be walking on the pads of their feet & not their toe nails? When dog are walking on their toe nails it creates more wear & tear on the joints which causes premature arthritis. Keeping the nails & pad hair short will aid in arthritis prevention. This service is included in a standard grooming or can be performed as a mini service.
- Nail Filing—Are your dog’s nails scratching you or your wood floors? Filling nails every 2-3 weeks will also help the quick receded so the nails will get shorter over time! Did you know that keeping the nails and pad hair short will aid in arthritis prevention? This service can be added onto a dog grooming or performed as mini service.
- Pad Trimming—Is your dog bringing a lot of the outside in or slipping around on your wood floors? Keeping the nails & pad hair short will not only aid in arthritis prevention, your dog will have cleaner feet & better traction on slippery floors. This service is included in a standard grooming or can be performed as a mini service.
- Ear Cleaning—Do you have a hard time cleaning your pet’s ears? Let us help! This service is included in a standard grooming or can be performed as a mini service.
- Anal Gland Expression—Anal glands are normally expressed when your dog goes to the bathroom. Some pets have a hard time doing it themselves which results in licking their behind or scooting a lot. This service can be added onto a grooming or performed as a mini service.
- Tooth Brushing—Dental health is very important to overall health and wellness of your pet! This service can be added onto a grooming or performed as a mini service.
~~Ask us about our Seasonal Spa Packages, they are available from September through the end of December!
- BlueBerry Facial—Not only will your pet be treated to a relaxing and aroma-theraputic facial massage, but it’s great for whitening and brightening tear stains, brightening colors, and getting rid of stinky wrinkly faces. This is a grooming add on service only.
- BlueBerry Bubble Bath—This service includes our Blueberry Facial, Blueberry Shampoo and BlueBerry Clove Conditioning Treatment. This is a massaging, aromatherapeutic and relaxing spa treatment and is great for moisturizing the skin and coat, whitening and brightening colors. This is a grooming add on service only.
- BlueBerry Muffin Spa Package—This service includes our Blueberry Facial, a custom blend of shampoos & conditioners massaged into your pet’s skin & coat, and is followed up with a custom blended cologne to leave your pet smelling like Blueberry Muffins straight out of the oven! It is aromatherapeutic, relaxing, brightening, whitening, moisturizing and great for the skin and coat! This is a grooming add on service only.
- SmashedBerry Spa Package—This mouthwatering, antioxidant rich spa package is exclusive to The UpScale Tail. It includes a facial, a bubble bath and conditioning treatment. This aromatherapeutic, massaging treatment will moisturize and soften your pet’s skin and coat and leave you drooling on them! This is a grooming add on service only.
- BerryApeeling Spa Package—Brimming with natural botanicals, this massaging shampoo & conditioning treatment includes a fresh face wash to sanitize and cleanse all of the nooks, crannies, and wrinkles; a berrylicious shampoo, our sweet & moisturizing conditioner; and our custom blended cologne that will leave your dog smelling, “Berry Appeeling.”
- Umi Makahiki Spa Package—This nose to toes custom blend of tropical fruits and botanicals celebrates our 10-year anniversary Hawaii style!!!! Our shampoo & conditioning treatment is loaded with antioxidants & vitamins that will leave your dog’s coat silky-smooth and smelling delicious!. It is followed up with our custom blended cologne that will leave you and your dog longing for the islands…..
- Pawdicure—This service is great for dogs that have dry/cracked/yeasty/ irritated paw pads or that walk and run a lot. It starts off with a White Tea and Tea Tree detoxing foot soak and is followed up with a Coconut Oil pad massage. This is a grooming add on service only.
- Moisturizing Treatment—Does your dog have itchy, dry, problematic skin? This intense moisture packed Shea Butter bubble bath and conditioning treatment will soothe and moisturize the skin and leave the coat soft and shiny. It pairs well with our Pawdicure (additional) for an all over body soothing moisture infusion. This is a dog grooming add on service only.
- Mellowed Pet Treatment—Is your dog afraid of storms or just nervous in general? This spa package lets your pet relax in an aromatherapy infused massaging bubble bath and conditioning treatment. This is a grooming add on service only.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment— Do you have a stinky, itchy & yeasty dog? This shampoo & mineral treatment is ideal for pets with yeasty, itchy & problematic skin! It gently removes grime, grease & adds healthy minerals back in to revitalize your dog’s skin & coat! This is a dog grooming add on service only.
- Hypo-Allergenic Treatment—Are you or your children allergic to your pet or perfumes? This treatment has saved a lot of pets from having to be rehomed. It includes our scent free shampoo, conditioner and a special spray to cut down dander for owners who are allergic to their pets. This is a grooming add on service only.
- Smelly Pet Treatment—Has your pet been skunked? No matter what you do, do not wet them first or you will spread the oils. Give us a call and we will help your nose return to normal! This service is also good for those that like to roll in goose and rabbit poo. This is a grooming add on service only.
- DeShedding Treatment—Is your pet leaving hair all over your house? This shampoo and conditioning treatment aids in ridding your pet of the undercoat it’s shedding. This is a grooming add on service only.
- DeFlea Treatments—Got Fleas? Let us help manage your problem. Did you know that fleas lay eggs and they will hatch in your house? Fleas can also cause tapeworm. What are you doing to help prevent your pet from getting fleas? This is a dog grooming add on service only.
- The UpScale Complete Spa Package—Let your pet relax in our lap of luxury! This spa package includes a Blueberry Facial, Pawdicure, Tooth brushing and our Mellowed Pet Treatment. This is a grooming add on service only.
We are happy to inform you that we regularly care for dog rescue and shelter pets in need. If you are a 5013C, give us a call and we can fill you in on the hairy details!
Need a gift idea for an animal lover? We have gift certificates! Schedule your dog grooming with us, today!
*Prices are subject to change and are based on how much product we use. It may vary depending on the size of your pet, condition, length & density of the coat.