Salon Makeovers
Let’s schedule your pets healthy grooming makeover today!
We have a lot of clients that give our Pet Stylists full professional control as to what haircut/style would best suit their dog according to their lifestyles. We understand that not all clients are comfortable with that idea and will also do the groom of your choice if your pet’s coat is in good shape!

Our clients relax after our their spa grooming

Scottish Terrier Cosmo photos by www.AlejandrGuerrero.com

Champion Show Dog, JB the Brussels Griffon

Pet Stylist to the Stars! It’s Gemini the Belgian Malinois

Brussels Griffon hand stripping, one of our many specialities!

Havanese puppy grooming

Rare Black Russian Terriers

We specializing in grooming all rare breeds! This example is the Lagotto Romagnolo

Every day is Makeover Day at The UpScale Tail! Schedule your pets appointment today!